Image Comics Ambassadors

Most people, given the chance, would love to be a Superhero. But what does it take? What qualities would you need to have? Could you live up to the expectations of the job? What part of your past would you need to atone for? These are just a few of the questions that are asked and answered by Mark Millar’s, so far mini series, Ambassadors.

The Premise: A agency has found a way to give people superpowers by wearing a a bracelet that lets its user download three of fifty superpowers at a time. The same agency offers a small number of people the opportunity to be Super-powered. How do they decide? Through submissions from people that believe they know a person that deserved to be heroes. Every person that is chosen becomes the hero and Ambassador for the country or continent they are from.

At the same time, a group of villains are also forming to fight the ambassadors, and ultimately, ends up in a very bloody battle with them.

Review: There are a few things you need to know before reading this Comic Book. This is an Image Comic book so it doesn’t follow the rules of other comic companies like Marvel. There is a substantial amount of profanity in this book and its mostly said by the people who become heroes. If you find profanity offensive, this may not be the book for you.

This is a really well written book, and it’s interesting. Each issue has a different artist, so each issue has its own feel. I recommend this series with the caveat that it is a bit darker than I expected. Grade: B